Finding Work: Tips for New Grads on the Job Hunt

Finding Work: Tips for New Grads on the Job Hunt

If you’ve just graduated, congratulations! Graduating from university is a monumental achievement, it’s a culmination of all your hard work over the past couple of years. With your diploma in hand, it’ll open the door to an exciting new chapter in life: the job hunt. As you embark on this journey, you’ll face a world of opportunities, challenges, and learning experiences. We want to help you navigate this path more effectively, so down below, we’ve shared 20 crucial tips for new grads entering the job market. 

1. Recognize the Value of Soft Skills

Employers increasingly value soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and leadership. In addition to your degree, you want to showcase these skills in your resume and interviews. Use real-life examples from internships, school projects, or even volunteer work to demonstrate your competence.

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2. Make Use of Your College Career Center

Your college’s career center is a gold mine of resources; they can provide resume critiques, mock interviews, job search tips, and connections to potential employers. Don't be afraid to ask for help when starting your job hunt, so make the most of these services before and after you graduate. You technically paid for it anyway!

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3. Customize Your Resume and Cover Letter

Avoid sending generic resumes and cover letters that have no personality to them. Instead, tailor them to each job you apply for. Highlight relevant skills and experiences that align with the job description, showing potential employers why you’re the best fit for the role. You should never reuse the same resume and cover letter for each company you apply for as every role will have different requirements.

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4. Network, Network, Network

There’s a lot more to networking than just attending career fairs and corporate events. Connect with alumni, professors, and professionals in your desired field. LinkedIn is an especially great platform for this. Just keep in mind that your network can be a rich source of job opportunities and advice.


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5. Internships and Part-time Jobs Count

Experience isn’t limited to full-time jobs in your field. Internships, part-time jobs, and even volunteering can provide valuable experiences that are worth mentioning in your interview. They can demonstrate your work ethic and can even lead to full-time job offers.

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6. Don’t Shy Away from Entry-Level Jobs

Everyone has to start somewhere, and if you're a fresh grad on the job market, that usually means starting at the bottom. But there's no reason why you need to stress over it! Don't dismiss entry-level jobs - they offer valuable experience and they're great places for you to start. It's a chance for you to hone your skills as you climb the corporate ladder.sol-tZw3fcjUIpM-unsplash.jpg

7. Build an Online Presence

More and more employers have begun to research candidates online. With this in mind, make sure you clean up your social media profiles and build a professional online presence. Consider creating a LinkedIn profile, a personal website, or a professional blog to showcase your skills and experiences.

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8. Master Your Elevator Pitch

Yup, the elevator pitch is a real thing! Be ready at all times to briefly but effectively describe who you are, what you do, and what you're seeking in your professional life. This is great not only during interviews, but also when you're networking. You can even throw it in during casual conversations if you see an opportunity!


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9. Stay Organized

Job hunting can be a chaotic, messy endeavor. Do your best to keep track of applications, interviews, and follow-ups by using a spreadsheet or a project management tool. Staying organized will ensure you don’t miss any opportunities or deadlines. It can even help you keep your stress levels in check.

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10. Learn to Handle Rejection

Rejection is a part of the job search process - you’re going to face more rejections than acceptances and that’s just the reality of it. It’s crucial that you remember not to take it personally. Use it as a learning opportunity, seek feedback, and apply it to future applications.

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11. Never Stop Learning

Lifelong learning is a key to career success - just because you’re out of school doesn’t mean you’ll never learn again! Stay updated with industry trends and enhance your skills with online courses, workshops, and certifications. This demonstrates your commitment to your career to potential employers.

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12. Showcase Your Projects

If you have completed projects during college, showcase them to potential employers. Whether it’s a successful marketing campaign, a software program, or a research paper, tangible evidence of your work can be a powerful tool in your job search. Use everything you've accomplished and achieved to your advantage!


13. Be Flexible

You might not land on your dream job right away, and that’s okay. Be open to different industries, roles, and locations.


Having this flexibility can open doors you may not have considered, but will be grateful for. The path to finding the right job for you will be a difficult one, so try to approach it with an open mind as best as you can.

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14. Follow Up

After submitting an application or completing an interview, follow up with a thank-you note. This shows your enthusiasm for the role and keeps you on the employer’s radar. Employers will likely go through hundreds of applications, so it's one easy way to keep yourself relevant. 

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15. Research Potential Employers

Always thoroughly research any company you’re considering. Understand their values, culture, products, and challenges. Doing so will help you tailor your application and interview questions to best fit the company. Just remember, every company is different so your responses during interviews should reflect that.

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16. Prepare for Behavioural Interviews

Many companies use behavioural interviews to understand how candidates handle various situations. Prepare by thinking about times when you’ve demonstrated key skills or overcame difficult challenges. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses in an effective way. 

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17. Be Yourself

Authenticity can go a long way in interviews! Despite what you may believe, employers want to see the real you, not a scripted fake version.


Show enthusiasm and don't be afraid to let your personality shine through. If it's somewhere you truly want to work, you also don't want to have to pretend to be someone you're not every day.

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18. Negotiate Your Salary

It might feel uncomfortable, especially if you’re doing it for the first time, but it’s important to negotiate your salary. Do your research, know your worth, and be prepared to advocate for yourself. Remember, it’s not just about the paycheck - consider the whole compensation package.


19. Consider a Mentor

A mentor is someone who can provide you with valuable career advice, industry insights, and networking opportunities. Your mentor could be anyone from a professor, a family friend, or someone you’ve connected with in your field. Just choose someone you look up to and feel comfortable with asking for help.

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20. Stay Positive

Job hunting can be stressful and all too time-consuming. It’s essential that you stay positive during this time, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and take breaks when needed. Perseverance and a positive mindset are so important in landing your first job post-graduation.

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As you take your first steps outside of school, navigating the job market as a new graduate can seem especially scary. But just keep these 20 tips in mind and you’ll find you’re more than equipped to tackle the challenge. Everyone’s career journey is unique so embrace the process. Just know that each application and interview you  complete brings you one step closer to landing your perfect job!