
10 Job Perks Your Employees Will Love & 10 Drawbacks They’ll Hate

10 Job Perks Your Employees Will Love & 10 Drawbacks They’ll Hate

Employee happiness is a game-changer in companies—from giving birthday PTO and welcome packages to new hires, it’s never been more important to ensure people love where they work. However, common drawbacks still haunt offices and drive employees away in droves, so let’s dive into which perks you should offer and which things setbacks you should avoid. 

1. Benefits

A benefits package is often par for the course with any job, but the right coverage ensures employees are kept happy and healthy. This can include a wide range of options from childcare and mental health to simply letting employees choose what makes the most sense for them. 

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2. A Pet-Friendly Environment

It’s no surprise that pets do wonders for our mental health and stress levels, so why not welcome employees’ furballs into the office? So long as no one has any glaring allergies, a pet-friendly workplace keeps stress low and everyone smiling. 

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3. Every Friday Off

According to recent surveys, plenty of companies are more than capable of operating on four-day work weeks, so even if you can’t swing every Friday off, surprise employees with random days off instead. Four-day work weeks not only improve work-life balance but can even boost your chances of recruitment. 

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4. Remote Work

Most employees don’t want to work in the office anymore, especially after Covid proved just how unnecessary in-office hours can be. Remote work spares employees from lengthy commuting, improves work-life balance, and can even boost productivity. 

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5. Birthday PTO

A nice (and cost-effective) incentive is to give employees their birthdays off. Since there are no legal requirements binding you to such a perk, it shows employees you appreciate them and are willing to go the extra mile for their comfort.



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6. Free Lunches

Free weekly lunches can get costly, so you don’t need to shell out money every Friday—but the odd free lunch or even a snack bar in the break room is a small way to give back to employees. Keep a mix of healthy stuff and fun snacks for more variety. 

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7. Welcome Packages

Welcome packages do wonders for employees and your business. Not only do they welcome new team members, but they also show fresh hires your appreciation and immerse them in company culture. Welcome packages can also better employee retention rates. 

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8. Technology Coverage

Whether it’s a new laptop, access to certain programs, or cellphone coverage, technology is a must in today’s world. While employers don’t need to front full costs, offering some kind of coverage takes the load off your employees’ shoulders.

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9. Schedule Flexibility 

Schedule flexibility doesn’t have to mean everyone works crazy hours. Allowing an employee to work 10-6 instead of 9-5 improves work-life balance, significantly reduces stress, and betters their job experience. 

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10. Team-Building Experiences

Christmastime dinners or the odd summer picnic are great ways to bring a team together and strengthen their relationship. It also shows you’re willing to spend time with them rather than be an unreachable enigma.

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Now that we’ve covered some of the perks, let’s talk about common disadvantages that drive away employees.

1. Too Many Meetings

“This could have been an email” is a popular sentiment nowadays, specifically with companies that waste hours in meetings. Before you schedule one across the company, really think about whether it’s necessary—fewer meetings means more efficiency and a better workplace opinion. 

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2. Rewarding Work With More Work

Overworking employees is one of the quickest ways to lose them.


Don’t reward effective employees with more responsibilities, especially if you don’t intend to pay them. There’s a big difference between a proper promotion and taking advantage of good hires. 

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3. Micromanagement

No employee wants someone breathing down their neck. Companies overrun with middle management or tyrant bosses quickly become revolving doors in their industry, so it’s better to trust your employees’ abilities rather than nitpick.

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4. No Room for Growth

Dead-end jobs can suck the life from employees. Growth opportunities incentivize people to work harder and feel appreciated—not to mention allowing employees a chance to thrive keeps them from looking for better opportunities elsewhere. 

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5. Lack of Appreciation

Employees want something for their accomplishments and by ignoring them you basically tell them you don’t care. You can’t expect employees to put in the effort if you don’t put in the appreciation they deserve. 

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6. Favoritism

Though some bosses deny it, obvious favoritism is alive and well in the workplace. Between schedule leniency or undeserved promotions, favoritism is nothing more than added stress and drives good workers away. 

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7. Being Underpaid

As an employer, the onus is on you to ensure fair wages. Don’t expect too many knocks at the door if you can’t keep up with base salaries—and expect employees to walk out the door if you dish out more responsibilities with no pay increase. 

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8. Toxic Environment

Workplace toxicity can mean many things:


micromanagement, dismissing harassment allegations, no morale, and lack of transparency are a few common examples. Keep the lines of communication open and set an example to ensure employees’ happiness.

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9. No Communication

Employees don’t like to feel out of the loop, so make yourself available for discussion. Whether it’s keeping everyone informed of the company’s latest developments or ensuring they have supportive places to turn, communication brings everyone together. 

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10. No Respect for Personal Lives

Employees aren’t bound to their desks…at least, they shouldn’t be. Expecting people to answer calls after hours or stay late for no pay shows a lack of appreciation. A healthy work-life balance gives employees a chance to live their lives without the fear of repercussions. 

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